基本要求:拥有神学学位,能用中英双语流利沟通,认同南贝城基督教会的核心信仰 https://www.sbrcc.org/core-beliefs
We are looking for a full-time, bi-lingual minister for Chinese Ministry!
Requirements: seminary graduate, fluency in both Chinese and English, and agree with the mission, vision, and value of South Baton Rouge Church of Christ (https://www.sbrcc.org/core-beliefs)
Please refer to the job advertisement for details.
基本要求:拥有神学学位,能用中英双语流利沟通,认同南贝城基督教会的核心信仰 https://www.sbrcc.org/core-beliefs
We are looking for a full-time, bi-lingual minister for Chinese Ministry!
Requirements: seminary graduate, fluency in both Chinese and English, and agree with the mission, vision, and value of South Baton Rouge Church of Christ (https://www.sbrcc.org/core-beliefs)
Please refer to the job advertisement for details.
主日学 Sunday Class
每周日 09: 00 - 10:00 AM
中文主日崇拜 Chinese Worship
每月第一和第三个周日 10:00 AM (午 餐 :12 PM)
生命小组聚会 Life Group

每年,我们在Christian camp营地组织福音营会、在不同地点举办年度基督徒退修会、进行小龙虾派对、团契和家庭聚会,以及圣诞宴会。
每年,我们在Christian camp营地组织福音营会、在不同地点举办年度基督徒退修会、进行小龙虾派对、团契和家庭聚会,以及圣诞宴会。
The Chinese Ministry at South Baton Rouge Church of Christ (SBRCC) is a body of Chinese Christians, who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Lord and Savior, and that he died for our sins through his redeeming blood on the Cross. Our mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Chinese community in Baton Rouge, as well as in China.
In the late 1980’s, American Christians from South began preaching the Good News of Jesus to Chinese students on the campus of Louisiana State University (LSU). The first Chinese became Christians and were baptized in 1987 . Since that time, hundreds of Chinese students and scholars attending LSU have become Christians (see our alumni pictures). LSU continues to be a focus of our Chinese mission work.
Currently, Bible study groups meet in our homes weekly, on Friday and Sunday nights - in person or virtually. We also meet together as a group each Sunday morning for Bible Study class.
Finally, twice a month - the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, we worship God together in our 1st language - Chinese. The other Sundays, we worship with our American brothers and sisters in English at South.
Finally, twice a month - the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, we worship God together in our 1st language - Chinese. The other Sundays, we worship with our American brothers and sisters in English at South.
Each year, we celebrate our time together with special events such as Gospel Camps and annual Christian retreats held at various locations - such as State Parks, local camping facilities, etc. We also have great family time together hosting crawfish parties, family fun times, and Christmas banquets.
We invite you to join us in our mission "To Know Christ and Make Him Known!"
We invite you to join us in our mission "To Know Christ and Make Him Known!"

教会也提供线上Zoom的选择, 请电邮至 sbrcc.cmoutreach@gmail.com 获取聚会链接信息。
教会也提供线上Zoom的选择, 请电邮至 sbrcc.cmoutreach@gmail.com 获取聚会链接信息。
据说,欧洲有一间百年历史的教堂。它坐落在山上,掩映在碧绿丛中,是当地著名的旅游景点。走进教堂,人们对其宏伟的建筑发出惊叹,同时也感到奇怪,几乎每一位游客都会问一个问题: "为什么教堂这么昏暗呢? 为什么内部没有灯光呢?"
导游的回答出入意外,他说,"当初建造这所教堂的时候,工程师们故意不设计任何照明设备,因为他们希望前来礼拜的人自带油灯,挂在教堂的里里外外,上上下下 - 既照亮自己,也照亮了别人。"哦! 原来是这样。不得不说,这真是一个不错的设计。教堂亮不亮, 要看来的人手上有没有灯 - 无灯则暗,有灯则明,灯愈亮则堂愈明。
教会的总设计师主耶稣曾告诉我们说," 你们是世上的光,城造在山上,是不能隐藏的。人点灯,不放在斗底下,是放在灯台上,就照亮一家的人。你们的光也当这样照在人前,叫他们看见你们的好行为,就把荣耀归给你们在天上的父" (马太福音5:14-16)。
