Elder Response to 2015 SCOTUS Decision on Same-Sex Marriage
Statement to the Congregation in June 2015:
On Friday, June 25, the Supreme Court announced its decision overturning state
bans against same-sex marriages. As a consequence, same-sex marriage has been legalized
throughout our nation. As shepherds of the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ, we
believe a response by us to this church body is appropriate.
Firstly, while disappointed by the ruling, we are not greatly surprised that the court
has followed public opinion on this issue. It remains to be seen what the implications of
this ruling will be for churches and faith-based institutions. But whatever comes we remain
firmly committed to the belief that God’s design for marriage is the covenant union of a
man and a woman, as initially laid out in the early chapters of Genesis and reinforced in
the teachings of Jesus himself. We hope and pray that the courts of the land uphold our
freedom to follow our beliefs, but we intend to hold to them, come what may.
Secondly, we believe that God deeply loves every man and woman and welcomes
all who seek him. Jesus himself welcomed even the most outcast of his day: the leper,
prostitute, and tax collector. As Jesus has through his grace welcomed us, we too need to
welcome all seekers, including those from the gay community. We need to recognize that
we all come as flawed individuals, people in need of help, and our first priority should be
helping one another encounter Jesus, the living Lord, who alone has the power to bring
healing to all our lives.
Thirdly, as we have members of our congregation who go through various of life’s
struggles, including same-sex attraction, we want you to know that we love you and want
you to feel safe and a part of us. We are seeking as individuals and as a community to
identify ourselves as devoted followers of Jesus, not a community molded by the issues of
the day. Please pray for us, for our church, and for our nation in the days ahead.
Please feel free to contact any of the elders if you want to discuss these matters further.